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"Greetings, Cerebrate. By now you've realized that I've severed your connection with the Overmind and your renegade brethren. Understand, it's nothing personal. I just can't risk you falling under their influence. You're mine now. Serve me unquestioningly, and I'll let you live."

- Sarah Kerrigan greets the Cerebrate(src)

The cerebrate was the player character of StarCraft Episode VI, working as Sarah Kerrigan's lieutenant and commander for her Swarms.


A New Allegiance

The cerebrate was part of Daggoth's Renegade Swarm after the death of the first Overmind. During the Brood War, Sarah Kerrigan seized control of the cerebrate by severing its ties to the Second Overmind. She immediately used it to quell the disruption to her Tarsonis hive clusters caused by the psi disrupter.[1] Kerrigan secured the aid of Raynor's Raiders and Emperor Arcturus Mengsk against the UED Expeditionary Fleet. The cerebrate took control of Braxis zerg liberated by Dominion psi emitters and used them to destroy the psi disrupter.[2] Later, it helped raid the Kel-Morian Combine alongside protoss Praetor Fenix. The Combine's resources were needed for the coming assault on UED-held Korhal. Kerrigan ordered the cerebrate to infest as many command centers as possible.[3]

The Liberation of Korhal

The cerebrate spearheaded the assault on Augustgrad, Korhal. The UED and their zerg slaves were routed, and control nominally returned to Mengsk and the Dominion.[4] Kerrigan's allies were her next targets. She ordered the cerebrate to assail Dominion and protoss forces who were resting after the victory. General Edmund Duke and Fenix were both killed before the zerg withdrew to Tarsonis.[5]

The UED were not yet out of the fight. UED slave broods descended on Kerrigan's Tarsonis hive clusters. The cerebrate broke the assault by killing the intermediary UED scientists with the attack force.[6] The cerebrate oversaw the destruction of Talematros on Shakuras. This spectacular diversion allowed the recovery of Matriarch Raszagal.[7] The cerebrate used the coerced Dark Templar to assault Char and kill the Overmind.[8]. After the Overmind, Dark Prelate Zeratul stole back Raszagal and Kerrigan ordered the cerebrate to pursue them.[9] The newly-reunited Swarm returned to Char and were attacked by the Dominion, protoss, and UED simultaneously. The cerebrate defeated all three at the Battle of Char Aleph. The Brood War was over.[10]


Following the war, the cerebrate provided genetics assistance for Kerrigan's advanced infested terran project. Terrans Henderson and Amanda Haley were both (unsuccessful) victims.[11]

It died during the interbellum with the remainder of the cerebrates. Kerrigan no longer required their services[12] and they were exterminated.[13]


  1. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Vivendi Games. Mission: Vile Disruption (in English). 1998.
  2. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Vivendi Games. Mission: Reign of Fire (in English). 1998.
  3. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Vivendi Games. Mission: The Kel-Morian Combine (in English). 1998.
  4. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Vivendi Games. Mission: The Liberation of Korhal (in English). 1998.
  5. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Vivendi Games. Mission: True Colors (in English). 1998.
  6. Samir Duran: "My Queen, we have located a small Terran facility towards the rear of the Renegades' landing zone. There appears to be a number of UED scientists working within the compound, but we are unable to determine the purpose of their presence..."
    Sarah Kerrigan: "I know what they're up to. I suspected that the UED's control of the Overmind was tenuous. Tarsonis is too remote for them to maintain direct control over the Swarms, so they've sent these 'scientists' to coordinate their attack."
    Duran: "Cerebrate, focus your attacks against the Terran facility. All of the UED scientists must be killed. Only then will we be able to finish off these Renegade Zerg." StarCraft: Brood War. Vivendi Games. Level/area: Fury of the Swarm (in English). 1998.
  7. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Vivendi Games. Mission: Drawing of the Web (in English). 1998.
  8. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Vivendi Games. Mission: To Slay the Beast (in English). 1998.
  9. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Vivendi Games. Mission: The Reckoning (in English). 1998.
  10. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft: Brood War. Vivendi Games. Mission: Omega (in English). 1998.
  11. Neilson, Micky. "StarCraft: Hybrid." Amazing Stories 601 (Spring 2000): 70-75.
  12. Chris Metzen, StarCraft Legacy staff. 2009-04-03. SC:L Metzen Interview - Lore Exclusive. StarCraft Legacy. Accessed 2009-05-18
  13. Metzen, Chris; Chambers, Andy; StarCraft Legacy staff. 2009-04-03. BlizzCon 2007 StarCraft Lore Panel Editorial. StarCraft Legacy. Accessed 2009-05-18.