StarCraft Wiki
StarCraft Wiki
The following section contains information from a previous version of StarCraft II which is no longer valid.

The old shadow ops was required for the production and upgrading of ghosts, as well as the purchasing and storage of nuclear missiles.

It was replaced by the ghost academy[1] but was later brought back[2][3] as a replacement for the merc haven.[4] By April 2009, it had been replaced by the merc compound.[5]

Researched Abilities and Upgrades[]

Main article: Arm Nuke
ShadowOps SC2 DevGame1

A missile being launched from the shadow ops

When the shadow ops supported ghost, it used to hold one nuke.[6]

Afterward, when it was geared to supporting reapers, it had the following research:

Increases the hit points of marines by 10. The marine model changes to have a shield attached to the left shoulderguard. The M98 combat shield is composed of 30 mm of bonded carbide.

Purchased from Tech lab attached to barracks
Hotkey C
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 79seconds

Enables affected infantry to attack and move 50% more quickly.

Hotkey T
Cost 10 (marines) / 20 (marauders) HP
Duration 11 seconds
Purchased from Tech lab attached to barracks
Hotkey T
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 100seconds

The reaper throws a demolition charge on the ground; two seconds later, it detonates, damaging friendly and hostile ground units and buildings in the vicinity. A red timer bar shows how long until it detonates.

The mines deal 30 damage + 30 against armored units and buildings. Mine explosions do not detonate other mines and do not deal damage to burrowed units unless the player can detect them.

The mines are very small but visible. They can be hidden by units moving past them.

The mines do not take damage.

Cost 2 seconds seconds
Cooldown 20 seconds
Purchased from Merc compound
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 110seconds


  1. StarCraft Legacy staff. 2009-04-04. WWI 08 Coverage - Terran Buildings. StarCraft Legacy. Accessed 2009-06-20.
  2. Zetaras Xal'Kurat. 2008-10-17. BlizzCon 2008: Changes to StarCraft 2. SC2 Blog. Accessed 2008-10-17.
  3. GearvOsh. 2008-10-14. Community Q&A [Batch 2]. StarCraft II Armory. Accessed 2008-10-16.
  4. MrJack, Buckwald. 2008-10-17. Race Review: The Protoss. StarCraft Source. Accessed 2008-10-19.
  5. Dustin Browder, Robert Simpson, Matt Cooper, David Kim. 2008-12-19. Battle Report (2). Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed 2009-04-16.
  6. Karune. 2008-01-11. StarCraft II Q&A - Batch 25. StarCraft II General Discussion Forum. Accessed 2008-01-11.