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StarCraft Wiki

Zerg Soccer was a zerg sport. It was commented as proof that some zerg cerebrates, although malicious, could demonstrate desires for pure recreation and fun.

During the Great War, the sport grew in popularity among the Swarm. It was considered to have a name that even a hydralisk could pronounce and it allowed for safe competition among opposing cerebrates and their broods, and surpassed Pin Your Tail Through the Terran as the zerg sport of choice.[1]

As Kerrigan has removed cerebrates from the Swarm's power structure, it's doubtful that the sport exists anymore.[2]


Zerg Soccer is similar, albeit in a warped way, to its terran counterpart. Each cerebrate aims to guide "Da Ball" (a protoss) into the opponent's goal, receiving a direct kick if the protoss reaches the opponent's end line. By the end of the game, the cerebrate with the most goals wins.


  1. 1998-07-10, Zerg Soccer. StarCraft Compendium Map Archives. Accessed on 2022-01-10.
  2. Metzen, Chris; Chambers, Andy; StarCraft Legacy staff. 2009-04-03. BlizzCon 2007 StarCraft Lore Panel Editorial. StarCraft Legacy. Accessed 2009-05-18.