StarCraft Wiki
StarCraft Wiki
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This article or section contains information about a StarCraft II unit or structure.
The content may be significantly out of date as StarCraft II experiences a new build weekly and may change substantially as more information becomes available. Please do not add speculation to this article, and remember to cite a published source for details. This template acts as a reference for StarCraft II beta and the Galaxy Map Editor.
InfestedBarracks SC2 Game1

Infested terran barracks

Infested terran buildings are temporary zerg structures created by the infestor. They produce infested marines.[1]

This is a change from previous builds where it could spawn eight broodlings.[2]


  1. 2008-24-06, Fansite Q & A With Dustin Browder, p5. StarCraft Wire. Accessed on 2008-24-06
  2. Mielke, James. 2008-05-08. The Dangerous Book for Zerglings: The latest intel on Zerg units and structures (page 2). Accessed 2008-05-08.
