StarCraft Wiki
StarCraft Wiki

Infested buildings in campaings[]

There are lot of infested buildings thet were part of SC campaings before Stukov commander. I uploaded their screenshots and put them to pages (sorry for errors of infested command center and engineerign bay names). For example infested command center has unit tab for Stukov either fo campaings. Is that good idea to another tabs for rest of them? Thanks, --Martian2351 (talk) 21:40, April 18, 2018 (UTC)

I'd just merge them if possible, similar to how we do units (look at the Cyclone to see how that'd done). For the most part the campaign ones are just blank structures and can vary a bit in health.
This does raise another question of whether this article (the parent one of this talk page) is worth having (didn't even know it existed), or if its contents should just be spread out into the relevant articles. I'm leaning toward deleting it, but I'll wait for someone else to chime in before I do.--Subsourian (talk) 21:59, April 18, 2018 (UTC)
Ok. And I wanted to ask you to correct these files names ( and Thx. --Martian2351 (talk) 06:56, April 19, 2018 (UTC)