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StarCraft Wiki

The allegation of Yggy never appearing in game isn't true.

Several Yggdrasills appear in the final mission of SC: Insurrection. In Mercenaries I, several elite Overlord called the Masterminds work for Gilson. Apart from their name and a very slight difference in armor (5 for the MO; 4 for the Yggy), the Mastermind Overlords and Yggdrasills are almost identical.

The-Watcher 19:59, 29 March 2009 (UTC)The-Watcher

I found them! Southern right corner. I'll fix the page.

On another note, Mastermind Overlords don't count as a type of Yggdrasill. They may have the same stats, but that's true for a lot of other barely modified zerg NPC units. PSH aka Kimera 757 (talk) 21:59, 29 March 2009 (UTC)

I thought Yggdrasill was the usual mean of transportation of Infested Kerrigan in the campaigns. I don't know how to extract the campaign maps to be 100% sure it's not just a renamed unit, but I really think it's like that.
UndeadStarSC (talk) 17:10, July 22, 2020 (UTC)
The campaign ones who transport Kerrigan are just regular overlords, just usually flagged as invulnerable because of cutscenes. --Subsourian (talk) 17:29, July 22, 2020 (UTC)